Known issues:
1. Due to Blizzard changing the attribute related parts of the item, the main stats and skill stats in the item filter cannot match to the value, and the affix values of the Unique items cannot work correctly.
2. Due to Blizzard removing most of the data for unpicked items, it is currently impossible to read the aspect names of dropped items and most of the attributes, So you should pick up every item to make the filter work more accurately.
1.Compatibility with patch
1.Compatibility with patch
1.Fixed some known issues
February 8th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
February 6th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed the issue in the item filter where the main stats and skill stats cannot be matched at all, but currently cannot be matched with values.
1.Compatibility with patch
1.Compatibility with patch
1.Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with PTR patch
December 6th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with PTR patch
1. Fixed error when no macro is set
1. Fixed the issue where the stronghold icon display on unlocked strongholds
2. Added Whisper icon on sigil
3. Macros can be disabled one by one
4. The F6 Affix filter has added the "show only interesting" option to display checked
5. Added icons to the chests on the ground
6. Allow macros to trigger without setting conditions
7. Macros supports setting hotkeys for skill macros
8. Added macro state icons below the skill icons
9. Added the PitProgression plugin to display the current progress percentage and the total progress of nearby monsters.
November 21st HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Hopefully fixed pit boss announcement. only bosses are reported now
2. WorldEventTimers supports undercity whisper
3. Fixed fullscreen paragon glyph clipping issue
4. Compatibility with patch
November 12th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Fixed the issue where was not installed and only Steam was installed without creating a bat file for Steam in current folder
1. Added class name over party icons
2. No quest objective map icons in boss rooms
November 6th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. No longer generate limited shortcuts in root folder, now generate bat files instead of limited shortcuts
2. Ground objective decorators re-enabled in undercity
3. Zone name for legion / boss events under minimap tooltip
4. Stability improvements
November 2nd HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Added Incense plugin to display incense names in inventory
2. In Purveyor of Curiosities panel, Hover the cursor over the item icon you want to purchase and hold down Shift to quickly buy
3. The PartyInfo plugin was supported display party info on the portal, and improved party info over portraits.
4. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed the PartyInfo plugin may cause runtime error
1. Reverted a few default font shadows to restore contrast
1. Added PartyInfo plugin, which can display battle tag and the locations of party member who are not in the same area as you
2. Changed the default name font color of activated waypoints to better match the game color scheme, and changed the default zoom level of display names
3. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed the issue of "Tenet of Akarat" not displaying
1. "Rule description" columns is split into "mandatory filters" and "optional filters" on ItemFilter form
2. Columns are now properly sized on ItemFilter grid
1. Added CursorCrosshairOnMap plugin
2. Optimized overlay rendering performance
October 25th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Added monster weight for Minion monster and Champion monster(monsters that have Damage Resistance Aura) to the monster weight conditions in the Macros.
2. Added collision circle for elites, minions, champions, and bosses
3. Added icon on minimap and mid map for Champions
4. The default color of the dots on the map for elite monsters has been changed from blue to yellow
5. Fixed the cropping issue of the party vote panel
6. Aether mass have elite weight in the Macros
1. Fixed the issue where macros still work when skills are overwritten(For example, using Conduit Shrine)
2. Fixed the issue where macros may read incorrectly bound hotkeys
1. Fixed there is a cropping issue with the item panel displayed when clicking on item links in chat
2. Added notification for XP wells
3. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed the distance issue with the Experience well, now you can see it on the minimap when entering the dungeon (license only)
2. The Macros can now be used in the training ground
3. The Macros supports the Necromancer Book of the Dead skills
4. Fixed the inaccurate display of Critical damage, Attack speed, and Skill damage in the PlayerStats, and added Overpower attributes
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Updated translations
1. Fixed some cropping issues
2. The Healing Well plugin has been renamed as the Well plugin and supports the Experience Well
3. Fixed the issue where the plugins could not work for items in the NPC Vendor.
1. Normal monsters display has been disabled in Purgatory Demon Tide (because the game has already displayed)
2. The minimap reveal has been disabled in the The Infernal Hordes and the Undercity (because the game has already revealed the map)
3. Goblins are regarded as elite weights in the Macros
4. Fixed the world boss Avarice not being regarded as the Boss in the Macros
5. Fixed the ParagonGlyphInfo name font settings issue
1. Added infernal horde choice plugin
1. Fixed the issue where the Glaive and Quarterstaff affix ranges was not multiplied by 2 in the item filter.
2. Greater affixes can go beyond 100% perfection in item filter, for example, set 101%~150% can now match to greater affix
3. Fixed the spiritborn Spirit Hall panel clipping issue
1. Removed support for channeled skills in Macros
2. Fixed the issue of the maximum value of item stats in the item filter, which resulted in incorrect matching of perfection.
1. Fixed a nullreferenc exception issue in ItemIcons
1. Fixed the issue of incorrect Artificer's Stone icon in MaterialCounters and reorganized MaterialCounter icons to match the game's order
2. Unlocker and all other windows have new control styles (combo boxes, numeric inputs)
3. Increased unique affix display precision to 3 decimal places
4. Added Macros feature (experimental)guide
5. Fixed the issue of not adding icons for aspects not included in the Codex
6. Fixed the Pit, mercenaries panel, seasonal reputation dialog, NPC vendor clipping issues
7. Fixed the issue where the Glyphs name does not work for clients other than English, and also fixed the Glyphs name are not displayed on the upgrade panel.
8. Compatibility with patch
October 16th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
October 15th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
October 15th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Revamped tooltip rendering
2. Added detailed material tooltips to MaterialCounters
3. Fixed spiritborn non-passive skill rank itemflters
4. Fixed the issue of crashing When dropped a lot of items at same times
5. Fixed Party Finder clipping
6. Fixed: exception in WorldEventTimers
1. Added RealmWalker support to WorldEventTimers
2. Added RealmWalkerEventOnMap
3. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed uber boss summon ui clipping
2. Fixed tempering ui clipping
3. Monsters in Seething Realm are white now
4. Renamed NightmareSigilHighlight to DungeonKeyHighlight (loot plugin)
5. Renamed NightmareSigil to DungeonKey (inventory plugin)
6. Removed compass and undercity names over dungeon keys
7. Added undercity reward to dungeon keys
1. Added item filters for the new skills of existing classes
2. Added item filters for all spiritborn skills
3. Fixed missing textures on minimap reveal
4. Fixed map scale on Ancient Nexus map
5. Added UndercityObjective plugin
6. DungeonQuestObjective no longer display in Undercity
7. MonsterByRarity no longer paint elite circles in Undercity
8. Fixed ItemAffix plugin was unable to save "highlight interesting" settings
1. Adde Quarterstaff item type in the item filter
2. A ritual in Kehjistan was deleted in 2.0 PTR, now it is added back
3. Herb and ore texture changes
4. Support Nahantu shrines
5. Added portal icon in the Realmwalker
6. "Seething Chest of x" now recognized as a regular chest
7. Compatibility with patch
1. MaterialCounters plugin: removed 2 items2
2. The Den map zoom fixed
3. UI clipping: difficulty selection, mercenary panel
4. World Boss icon and name was clipped by whispering progress
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Added class icon for the Spiritborn
2. Fixed incomplete display controls in some Windows
3. Fixed the perfection issue in the item filter (attempt)
1. Fixed the exceptions with Spiritborn
1. revert to .net8 version
Known issue: The perfection value in the item filter is not working. Please set the perfection value to 0 to match stat for any range
1. Added: after 24h trial free tier is opened. a great number of plugins are available without licence, for free
2. Added rune info plugin
3. Added experience over bar plugin
4. Added Buff info plugin
5. Added Uber Boss Material Highlight plugin
6. Added Paragon Glyph Info plugin, display Glyph name on Glyph list in the Paragon panel, However, due to reorganize issues, upgrading panel is temporarily not supported (Due to sorting issues, it is currently only valid for English game clients)
7. Helltide Plugin added accursed altars on ground for accursed Ritual
8. Item power is no longer displayed for ancestral items (because it is fixed 800)
9. Removed "show greater affix count" from ItemPower plugin
10. Removed "show prefix character for ancestral items" from ItemPower plugin
11. Added GreaterAffixCount plugin which display the numbers I, II, III, IV, V over the greater affix icon, on top of the item
12. Changed: increased font brightness (again) in ItemAffix plugin
13. Changed: aspect rank maxed icon can ignore account bound items
14. Changed: AffixHighlight and ItemHighlight will be prioritized to be attach to item name, when the item name label is visible, the decorator will be attached to the label, otherwise it will be attached to the item on the ground
15. Changed: The default decorator color of ItemHighlight has been changed to green to make it consistent with other similar plugins
16. Changed: AltarOfLilith plugin renamed to HiddenStatue, Now it also works for Tenet of Akarat
17. Added "hide category" to F2/Customizer form
18. Plugin/feature tree is slightly wider on F2/Customizer form, buttons on all forms are wider now (Prevent partial translations from not being fully displayed when they are too long)
19. plugin search now consider feature names, if the plugin's name doesn't match the search text but a feature does match, then the plugin and the matching feature is displayed. Example search: "on ground"
20. Compatibility with patch
1. Optimize the overlay frame rate for dynamic make it looks smoother (Please ensure that your game runs at 60FPS or above, and at 120FPS or above when DLSS frame generation is enabled)
2. The unique or mythical items have separate colors, no longer the same as the legendary color
3. Added world boss icon on map
1. Adjusted the ItemIcons plugin, added aspect rank higher than codex icon(for upgrading the codex), aspect rank lower than codex icon (for re-imprint the aspect), and aspect rank maxed (for trading)
2. Removed aspect rank/Affix value in ItemAffix plugin
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Added WorldBossEventOnMap plugin
3. The item filter no longer matches Unique items
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Changed the stats related to some resources in the item filter to flat type (if the perfection was previously set, please reset it to a reasonable flat value)
2. Fixed some elite affixes not displaying
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Fixed range of affixes for Bow and Polearm not multiplied by 2 in the item filter
1. The PlayerStats plugin supports displaying Combat DPS and Damage dealt in the last 1 seconds. This feature requires you to enable show all combat texts in the game options.
2. The StatTrackersInGame plugin supports damage related tracking and fixed some bug for this plugin. This feature requires you to enable show all combat texts in the game options.
1. Added EtherObjective plugin
2. Added PitPortal plugin
3. Fixed incorrect quest objective display in the Champion's Demise
4. Added Stamina Potion and Lucky Coin in the SpecialItemHighlight plugin
1. Fixed some aspects that may cause plugin errors
2. Fixed some inaccurate monster levels for Compass
3. Replaced the icon for the interesting mythical items
1. Fixed the plugin errors when you in the season mission dungeon
1. The small icon on the item no longer covers the favorite icon
2. Added purple name and icon to the Mythical items
3. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Added Portuguese translation for user interface
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Fixed the issue where the exclusive Greed Shrine in the Goblin event was not displayed
1. Added Treasure bag in SpecialItemHighlight Plugin for Goblin event
1. Added elite monsters, elite objective monsters, sealed doors, objectives, and Shrines displays to the mid map in the dungeon. If you need to display their names, you can enable text option in the plugin where they are located.
2. Fixed the issue where the mid map cannot be disabled
3. Significantly optimized the performance of the mid map, reducing frame drops
4. Added icon transparency option
1. Added a map in the middle of the screen similar to Diablo 2 (experimental), which can be disabled by set its transparency to 0 in the LightningMOD settings
2. Added a HealthPotion plugin to the Fight category, which can add an icon to the Health Potion on the ground
3. Fixed the issue of inaccurate scaling of The Darkened Way
4. Fixed the issue where the sealed doors inside the dungeon are still displayed on the map after being opened
5. No longer draw elite circle for dungeon quest elites to prevent covered
1. The nearby Accursed ritual icon on the map will now be displayed in white when not activated, yellow when activated, and a notification, just like the improvements made in the game
1. Fixed abnormal display of F5 form and F6 form at 100% Windows DPI scaling
2. Fixed the issue of unable to start due to broken settings files
1. Added Sealed door plugin that can display sealed doors in the dungeon to the next area
2. Added Maximum Resource affix to the item filter
3. Added display regular quest monster and elite quest monster on map in MonsterByRarity plugin, and optimized the display range for regular monsters in the Pit
4. Added display sealed door in DungeonQuestObjectiveActor plugin, display the quest objective icons on map, and optimized their display range
5. Added HealingWell plugin to the Marker category, which can display the Healing Well on map
6. Added display the Accursed Ritual in the HellTide plugin, where you can see the location of the Accursed Rituals on the map in anywhere
7. Added Necromancer Blood Orb plugin in the Fight category, which can highlight Blood Orbs for Necromancer on ground
8. Fixed the fonts and icons on overlay are unclear when Windows DPI scaling over 100%
9. Fixed some minor bugs
10. Compatibility with patch
May 23rd HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
May 20th HotFix no need to update files
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed issue where Fractured Winterglass, Arreat's Bearing, Howl from Below, and Wildheart Hunger are considered Legendary rather than Unique
2. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed Fractured Winterglass, Arreat's Bearing, Howl from Below, and Wildheart Hunger without displaying their name.
2. Changed the Maximum life stat in the item filter to flat type
1. Fixed the incorrect work of some stats in the item filter
1. Added some missing stats in the item filter
1. Temporarily disable the HellTide chests on the map until it is fixed
1. Added back Map Reveal with safer way
2. The Aspects are now displaying rank instead of values
3. Display Roman numerals next to item power to represent Greater affix count
4. Reorder materials at the bottom of inventory to accommodate game changes to materials
5. Checkmarks replaced with ranks for codex in F6 Affixes filter
6. Added new options to shown the affix highlight is only when the rank is higher than the one in the codex
7. Due to the game's renovation of the Codex, the old Codex plugin has been removed
8. Added "Greater affix count" and "aspect affix rank" as matching condition in the item filter
9. Fixed clipping bug with class skill specialization panels
10. Helltide related plugins are currently working at all world tiers
11. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Add overall progress display in unlocker
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed abnormal display of old season items page in the Stash
2. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Fixed the Wardoven Chests are not displayed on the minimap
1. Added names to the Statue of Zoltun Kulle and the Lunar Shrines
1. Fixed some minor bugs
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Fix the bug where explosive chests still display on the map after being opened
1. The chest on the mini map now distinguishes between regular chests and higher chests
1. Fixed inaccurate countdown for the next Helltide
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Fixed the incorrect pixel-ratios of The Gatehall map
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Added NightmareSigilHighlight plugin in the Loot category
1. Users who register for use for the first time can have 1 day trial period, but if your Battle Tag has previously used LightningMOD, Your Battle Tag will not be able to be used during the trial period.
1. Move the MissedEquipmentCounter display position in the inventory to the right to avoid blocking the MIDWINTER BLIGHT material value
2. Add MIDWINTER BLIGHT materials display in the material panel
3. Fixed some minor bugs
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
1. Added multiple value-range checks to directX draw operations
1. Added rendertarget recreation to attempting to solve rare dx errors
1. Fixed world coordinate transformations problem at 32:9 resolution
2. Fixed you may see NPC icons when opened the Stable and the Hall of Fallen Heroes
3. Disable regular item on the map by default in ItemByQuality
4. Added Spanish translation for user interface
1. Fixed incomplete display of bottom material panel during full screen gaming
2. Fixed that unlocker cannot recognize its own version number
1. The item filter has added the missing affix x% Damage Reduction from Bleeding Enemies.
2. Fixed the problem of IndexOutOfRangeException causing the program to crash
3. Added Spanish
1. Some small fixes
1. Added some missing stats to the item filter
1. Fixed the issue of shape decorators being misaligned on the ground
1. .net has been upgraded to 8.0,please download and install it
2. Added Polish translation for user interface
3. Fixed issue where some affixes were not fully translated in the item filter
4. Compatibility with patch
1. The item filter has added Any Resistance affix
2. Before the item power level, the rarity "s" and "a" of the item can be displayed as sacred and ancestral.
1. During HellTide, it is now possible to display living steel chests (purple), and the color of mysterious chests has been changed to green (spawning rules from
2. The living steel chests and mysterious chests will now display a reset countdown under the icon
1. Fixed the issue of always having the wrong location for the Mysterious chests
1. Fixed run exe before exit program cannot delete the previous random DLL file
Important: Please remove the previous version because the loading method has been changed and the updater cannot delete the old files.
1. Changed the loading method to restored the exe file to fix various issues caused by some users being unable to run bat with administrator privileges, but exe only serves as a bootstrap program and does not host processes.
2. Fixed the issue of incomplete display of affix names in item filter(F5)
Important: Please delete all versions of files downloaded before October 20, 2023 and do not attempt to run it. Otherwise, your account may be banned and a new clean installation is required for this version.
1. Removed the Dungeon Map reveal function that may be considered a cheating feature
2. Removed The plugin system, and all functions have been hardcoded to prevent exploitation to create malicious plugins.
3. Removed shift+f5 restart hotkey
4. The overlay layer and all forms can no longer be captured and recorded (which may cause some recording or streaming tools to be unusable)
5. The loading method has been changed, and there are no longer exe files. Please refer to the Instructions.txt for details.
6. Changed the data files loading method to be compatible with the Steam version
7. Optimization and minor bug fixes for some plugins
8. Compatibility with patch
1. Compatibility with patch
1. The item power 725 breakpoint changed to 780
2. Fixed abnormal display for escrow item page in stash (last season items)
3. Fixed not displaying Silent Chest
4. Other minor fixes
1. Compatibility with patch
2. Removed StashPreview(When you leave the stash, the item list is cleared)
1. Added class filtering for "global affix filter"(F6)
2. "TrapAndHazardHighlight" plugin support Drifting Shade
1. Added "Shrine" plugin to the "Fight" category
1. Fixed occasional exception thrown by MonsterByRarity
1. Added "TrapAndHazardHighlight" plugin to the "Fight" category
2. Fixed the issue where "Physical Damage Over Time" is translated as "Bleeding Damage Over Time" in the item filter
1.Fixd the Map Reveal not working without installed High-Resolution Assets
1.Important: Fixed the issue where the previous version of automatic login changed the limited Windows account to the original password hash value. If you encounter a problem where the limited shortcut cannot start the game, please manually log in to ModUnlocker again
1. ModUnlock will continue to log in with the last user you logged in
1. Added favorite affixes and favorite dungeons filters for Nightmare sigil
1. Added Korean translation for user interface
2. When logging in to ModUnlocker, a game shortcut for the limited Windows account will now be created in the folder where Mod is located (To avoid unexpected situations that may prevent shortcut generation on the desktop)
3. Fix not displaying aspect name for equipped Sorcerer Focus(Off-Hand)
1. Fix a bug for item filter
1. First version